4Mosquit Pro

4Mosquit Pro

4Mosquit Pro

A ready-to-use liquid formulation that effectively repels mosquitoes from settling on exposed body parts.

The product effectively protects against mosquito attacks within 4 hours of application.
How to use
spray on exposed parts of the body at a distance of 15-20 cm
may be spread with the palm of the hand
apply a small amount of the solution to the skin so that the skin surface is moist
Expiration date of product
3 years
Additional information
contains the active substance lemon eucalyptus oil
long-lasting repellent
repels mosquitoes for 4 hours
has a pleasant lemon fragrance


The product has been authorised under permission number 9227/23 issued by the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Product
Biocidal products should be used with caution. Read the label and product information before each use